Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Scrawny & Pork Chop
She went to her 3 year old well check yesterday and she is..... well, scrawny. She weighs 26 lbs. (10%) and is 36 inches tall (25%). She is our skinny mini but the doctor sees no need to worry. She's a typical 3 year old. She had to get 1 shot, but only cried for a minute.
She on the other hand is pleasantly plump. At 2 months, she weighs 11 lbs. 11 oz. (75%) and is 22 1/2 inches long (50%).
Things to remember-
*Wearing size 1 diapers.
*Wearing 0-3 month clothes.
*Sleeping great! Started Baby Wise Saturday and she's back to taking great naps and is sleeping through the night (8-9 hours). We put her back in our room in the bassinet and we are still swaddling her.
*Nurses great still and we also supplement with formula when she's still hungry (milk supply is low). When I give her just a bottle she'll usually drink 4 oz.
*She's a very happy baby. She always smiles and has started "talking" a lot lately.
*She still has big, blue eyes which I hope do not change.
*Loves baths. Just sits there quietly taking it all in.
So do you think they look alike?
Both girls were 2 months old in these pictures. I put Natalee in the same outfit Haylee was wearing to compare how they look!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Weekend Recap

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Friday, June 18, 2010
Food Pyramid
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Charlotte's Web
On Sunday we took the girls to see Charlotte's Web at Broadway Palm. It was a very cute show and Haylee loved it. Surprisingly she even wanted her picture taken with the characters, she wasn't afraid at all!
Natalee was a good girl the entire show and slept in her sling until the end when she decided to rip a huge one. I'm amazed that her little body is capable of such a loud noise! Nice way to remember your 1st show sweetie.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Party Time
Saturday was a busy day. It started out with a princess party for Haylee's 3rd Birthday.
Haylee did really good this year not crying when we brought out the cake. We asked if she wanted us to sing (that's what makes her cry) and she said no, so I just counted to 3 and everyone said "Happy Birthday." That was cutting it close, but there were no tears.
She blew out the candle and then actually ate some of it (which she hasn't done before) after telling Daddy it was "too big" and that it needed to be "cut". At first she was a little apprehensive, then she dug in.
Others weren't afraid at all.
Haylee had so much fun playing with all of her cousins and friends, and running around the house.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Birthday Girl
Our little princess turned 3 yesterday. I can't believe she's 3 already. I think it would have been a lot more depressing if we didn't have Natalee, because to think my "baby" is 3 is just crazy. We celebrated Haylee's actually birthday by taking her to see Marmaduke. She says it was a "cute" movie!
I was ready to jump for joy that I survived the terrible two's until everyone informed me three's are much worse. I can't wait!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Crazy Life
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Beach Babe
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I remember thinking 30 was old when I was a kid. Now I'm only 3 years from there...scary. I don't feel old though. This year my birthday celebrating lasted a couple days. On Saturday, the 4 of us went to eat at Famous Dave's. Wilbur the pig was walking around and at first Haylee was terrified of him, but then decided he wasn't so bad. After dinner, they brought out ice cream with a firecracker in the middle of it. That was pretty neat!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
After struggling a couple nights to get Natalee to stay asleep once I put her in the bassinet and having her sleep soundly, Josh suggested trying to swaddle her again. He's a genius! With a set up like this...
Natalee has been sleeping great! 6 straight hours Saturday night, 7 hours Sunday and
I am thankful Natalee is a good little sleeper!
Update: Maybe those 2 nights were a tease because Miss Natalee is back to waking up once a night again.