Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
10 Months
In just 2 short months my baby Natalee will be 1 year old!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sick, Stockpile & Stayin' In
The title pretty much sums up our past week. I woke up last Friday with a sore throat and I've been sick ever since. I hate being sick. As of today, I think I might have finally kicked it. Unfortunately, Haylee has a little cold now and baby N was up at 3am Wednesday morning screaming. Turns out she has an ear infection. I have never seen her so miserable. That was the roughest night we've had around here in awhile. Luckily, Natalee feels so much better, and she would be 100% if it weren't for her painful upper teeth coming in. Haylee acts fine, bouncing off the walls and all, she just sounds congested. So with the exception of taking Natalee to the doctor Wednesday, we've been in the house since last weekend. Talk about cabin fever. I did escape tonight finally to run some errands, but I'm hiding the girls inside for awhile. The biggest bummer, our Oak Creek getaway had to be postponed for 3 weeks. I just couldn't leave the girls when they aren't feeling 100%.
Since it was rainy last Saturday and Sunday I decided to clean out my pantries and organize my stockpile. I was running out of room for all my food and I needed to rearrange things to make everything fit. The joy of couponing. My current savings so far this year is $1440.47. That includes every trip to Fry's, Bashas, Albertson's, Safeway, CVS or Walgreen's that I have used coupons along with sales. I say that's pretty darn awesome.

I have 17 boxes of unopened cereal along with enough oatmeal, cocoa and cookie mix to last a lifetime. I have stockpiled salsa, Ragu, salad dressing, bbq sauce, terriyaki sauce, A1, sugar, peanut butter, Chex Mix, brownie mix and muffin mix. Macaroni & cheese, dog treats, drinks (sobe, vitaminwater, gatorade, powerade, soda), paper towels, napkins, Hefty one zip bags, disposable plates and plastic cups. Aluminum foil, dishwasher detergent, kleenex, tp, Clorox wipes, hand soap, 15 bottles of Wisk and baby wipes. And that's just downstairs. My mom said my pantry looks like the grocery store, just better stocked!
Upstairs I've stockpiled shampoo, condtioner, deoderant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, chapstick, lotion, razors, bar soap, diapers, and Scrubbing Bubbles to name a few things.
Next up, I plan on stockpiling fabric softener as I have about 7 coupons for $3/1 Gain and Walmart has it for $3.26 I believe.
I share a lot of what I buy with my brother. Afterall, I wouldn't be able to get the quantities I do without his help getting me all my coupon inserts. I also share a lot of cat food and treats with my sister and mom. You'd think I have 10 cats with all the free treats and food I get! (I don't have any) Last weekend I was able to get 7-4.5lb bags of Science Diet dog food for free at Petsmart with coupons. Jackson doesn't eat that food (neither is he a small or toy breed), but my sister or the pet shelter could sure use it. I would never have thought I could get so many things for free. I am so thankful I found Sheryl's site, it has truly changed my life.

Labels: Couponing
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Big Brown Eyes
Oh how I love this sweet little girl.
Although she has an attitude at times and can be a little brat, she can also be such a big helper and the sweetest big sister. I am so proud of how far Haylee has come with Natalee. She really loves her sister. Loves playing with her, taking a bath with her and watching out for her. I am blessed.
I am thankful I have been blessed with 2 beautiful little girls. That is about all I can handle for now though. I had a HUGE scare over the weekend and thought I was pregnant. Every scenario imaginable was going through my head. I was a bit scared to say the least. That's what happens when I'm 3 days late. Time to call the doctor to see about some I am not ready for another child quite yet pills!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
V Day
We celebrated Valentine's Day all weekend. Mostly because Haylee thought it was Valentine's Day all weekend! This is our holiday celebration in pictures.
and Haylee loves my flowers!
I put a few flowers in a vase for her and she put them in her room.
Jackson loves his Froggy!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Mother Jr
Haylee has been very protective of Natalee lately. She does so good at asking if Natalee can play with certain things, and taking things away from Natalee if she is playing with something she shouldn't be. I'm constantly seeing her take the little cap things off the door stoppers (whichever ones we still have in place) because she knows Natalee will put those in her mouth.
Yesterday I was cleaning our glass table with windex and Haylee said, "Mom, make sure you don't get that in Natalee's face." I told her I was very proud of her for always looking out for her sister and asking what she can play with and just protecting her. Haylee said, "can she play with that bib?" (because Natalee was standing by the table) and I told her she could, but I prefer she only play with things that are clean, and not dirty. Haylee then asked, "so can she play with clean underwear?" Nice.
Last week while Josh was working on the golf cart Haylee was outside nurturing this little plant she found. She was giving it a bath, wrapping it up in a blanket and letting it sit in the sun. She cracks me up. Too bad the next day was the record high of 44 degrees and that night was super freezing. Poor little plant bit the dust.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Natalee's 9 Month Pictures
When did my baby girl get so big?
This is her new "blowing raspberries" face.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Jane Seymour
Tonite Josh and I attended a screening for the new movie Waiting For Forever (which opens this weekend). We were told to be there 30-60 minutes early because they overbook the theater to make sure it's full. Well we got there exactly an hour early, but barely made it in. We stood outside while they let this line of people go in and when we got to the door they stopped us and said most likely there is no more room and we would have to leave. Well, then this guy comes up and announces it's booked but that Jane Seymour will have a little question and answer with us. We got to talk to her and her husband (James Keach) who directed the movie, and then I asked for her autograph and Josh took a picture of us (we were outside and it was dark, hence the crappy lighting) with his cell phone.
Mostly everyone that was turned away had left by this point. Jane told me that they had reserved 3 seats for her and that she wouldn't actually be sitting in them so she was sure I could have them!!! She asked the Harkins lady to double check on the seating. The lady came back and said 10 more people could come in!! Sweet. We just made it in.
Anyways, great movie, had awesome seats, and they did a long question and answer after the movie. Jane is so sweet and has the cutest accent. When they first mentioned her name I thought "why is she here?" Well she was the executive producer. Although I knew the name, I couldn't put a face to it. She is obviously most known as Dr. Michaela "Mike" Quinn in the TV series Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, but when I got home I looked her up to see what else she has been in that I would know her better. She was in Wedding Crashers and also appeared on the 5th season of Dancing With The Stars.
Woo hoo, a little touch of Hollywood!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Party Day
Saturday was our party day. Haylee and I went to Cami's baby shower in the morning.
Cami & Justin (Josh's little brother) are expecting little Hunter next month.
We played games, ate yummy food and watch Cami open cute baby boy stuff. We had a fun time!
Saturday afternoon we went to Sam's (my niece) birthday party.
It's so hard to believe she is 17 already. I remember when she was born. Of course I was only 10, but I still remember her as a baby. How time flies...
Speaking of time flying, baby Natalee got her 3rd tooth yesterday. Oh, and our new entertainment around here is chasing Haylee around the house with Natalee in a stroller.
I say "a" stroller because it's not her stroller, but who needs to spend a lot of money on a fancy stroller when we can use Haylee's doll stroller?