Aside from our adventures with Natalee girl, we've been keeping busy doing other things too!
Boutique season is in full swing and Haylee, Mom and I have been hitting every one in town! Cornerstone, Sugarplums, Pecan Creek, La Di Da, Kandy Kane, and 2011 Holiday Boutique at Desert Mountain Elementary. We have one more on the 2nd and then I think boutique season is over. Man I love this time of year.
2 Saturdays ago we had a community yard sale. It was a busy day for us so we only set our stuff out for a couple hours. We made $40 or so so better than nothing. That same day we went to Josh's company picnic. We ate yummy carne asada burritos, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and cookies. The girls played at the park briefly and then they had a huge giveaway. Josh got a hooded sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt, hat and tool bag. It was a perfect day out and we were all tired by the time we got home.
Josh woke up sick that day and is finally feeling better. Poor Haylee girl got a 2nd (or 3rd) round of something and is still under the weather. This is very unusually for Haylee and it's time we quit passing it around the family. Luckily, Natalee and I have remained healthy. I just ordered a bunch of vitamins for Haylee so I'm hoping she is back to her spunky self soon.
Last Thursday we went to Skyline to watch Danielle in her dance concert. Haylee loves watching her and I can't wait to start her in lessons. I'm definitely getting her lessons for her 5th birthday.
Friday night we went to the Fall Carnival for Barbara Bush Elementary. Haylee had a wonderful time playing games and jumping in the bounce house with Hannah. Natalee loved the petting zoo and cotton candy. They had an awesome silent auction and I actually won somesthing! I won a bike for Dustin to give Hannah for Christmas, super cute!
Saturday we did our family pictures. I'm trying to save money wherever possible and I figured, I spent a fortune on my camera and need to use it! I realized after the fact that the sun was not in the greatest location and the pictures were kinda washed out a bit. I edited them as best as I could. Between Natalee not wanting to hold still and Josh's eyes being sensitive and squinty I'd say we got a couple good ones. I can't wait to take some photography classes to learn a little more and continue to practice, practice, practice. I love taking pictures!
Yesterday was a lazy day. Josh watched football, Haylee took it easy, Natalee actually took a 2 hour nap, and I ran some errands and cleaned.
The girls continue to love little Charlotte. It's nice I can go in the backyard and pull some grass for her when it's time to eat. This little turtle is low maintenance. For a treat we give her celery and lettuce and she loves turtle time. She gets to walk all around on the blanket.

Natalee is obsessed with wearing shoes. As soon as she's done with breakfast (if not sooner) she runs to the laundry room saying "shoes" and picks out a pair for me to put on her. She'll wear them all day long. She's a nut.
I love when Natalee and Haylee play nicely together. They love to play figurines, ride the scooter and read books together. Well Haylee reads and Natalee listens and it's the cutest thing. I love my sweet little girls!