By the way, you can click on the pictures if you want to see them bigger!
Our camping trip started out just fine. We had an uneventful drive up (except when Jackson puked all over Haylee and her car seat and she freaked out) and we were able to find one of our favorite spots we have camped at with Dad right away.

We set up camp and then we had a little Birthday party for Dad. We had stopped in Payson for balloons to release when we got there but when it was time, the balloons were missing from the truck. They must have escaped out a window but we were amazed they weren't stuck in a tree, they made it all the way up! I think Dad got tired of waiting for them so he took it upon himself to get them, but whatever. At least they made it up into the sky for him. We sang Happy Birthday and ate our little zebra cakes. It was fun.

We hung out at camp for awhile and relaxed. Jackson and Haylee absolutely love camping and roaming around. They are my happy campers.

I was nervous to go camping this time around because on our way out last time we saw a bear cub. I was terrified we'd see another and I wanted to sleep in the car. Of course, my Mom kept saying, "Shelley, I've been camping up here how many years, and I've never seen a bear." Well, I bet she's never seen this newly posted sign either!

Luckily, we never saw a bear! I'm thankful for that. We finished up the first night going on a drive to look for deer and elk then went back to camp to eat dinner and go to bed.The next morning, bright and early, Haylee girl woke up looking just like this-
Now that is some bed head!
The rest of the morning was spent going for a little drive, eating breakfast, playing on the swing Timmy and Josh made, playing horse shoes, picking flowers and playing croquet. We all had fun and the weather was beautiful.

We decided to go out for the day so we jumped in the car and headed to Willow Springs Lake. It was so beautiful there and the kids had a blast playing in the water and collecting rocks. It was funny watching Haylee collect rocks because little by little she got deeper in the water until finally she just sat down and played. We ate lunch there too before heading back.

I love this picture of Jackson and Haylee conked out! They both had so much fun at the lake and were a bit exhausted.

When we got back to camp we had dinner and then decided to go for our nightly drive. This is when our camping trip turned into a nightmare adventure. We had just chased an elk in the truck and were having a blast when all the sudden...

Dustin's "monster truck" blew a tire. Ugh! It wouldn't had been so bad except he didn't have a spare, it was getting dark and we were stranded about 3 miles from camp! Quickly, Josh and Dustin decided they had to walk back to get our car and they had to hurry because they were loosing light fast. Dustin was shaking and a wreck because he couldn't believe this had happened. Shot gun in hand, they headed back to camp while my Mom, Timmy, Hannah, Haylee, Jackson and I all stayed in the truck hoping no animals would come get us. I was so scared something would happen to them or that Dustin would have an anxiety attack and not make it. They said they were both scared and couldn't see anything while walking because it was dark. Dustin was afraid the elk he chased in his truck was gonna come back to get him! Luckily about 2 hours later we heard Dustin on the walkie talkie and we all just cheered! They came back to get us and we had to leave Dustin's truck there till morning. We all had an extremely rough night with hardly any sleep and Haylee woke up sick. In the morning Dustin and Josh went into town and were able to get a new tire and rim and get it changed out all within about 4-5 hours. We had to entertain 2 sick girls and pack things up so we could head home when they were done.

On our way out we saw a couple deer, nothing compared to the last time but at least we saw something, and not a bear!

Aside from the minor problems we did have a fun time. We're home safe, but sun burned and sick which totally stinks!