Sunday, March 10, 2013

5 Months

Today marks 5 months since my sweet boy went to Heaven. The tears still come and his absence is still felt. Having so many wonderful memories of him helps.
Yesterday we got the Shelter Pup in the mail of Jackson. I think they did such a wonderful job replicating Jackson down to the markings on his face, his folded ears and the little indentations on his temples.
I also "met" a lady yesterday who's dog was just diagnosed with cancer 2 days ago, a sweet 6 1/2 year old boxer. I know all to well how she is feeling and I am so thankful I was able to help her. I sent her my "Dog Cancer Survival Guide", 3 1/2 bottles of Apocaps and some of Jackson's other pills to save her money and help her out. She is overwhelmed right now and is over her head in vet bills and having to take money out of her retirement fund. Like Jackson, her dog is one of their children and they will do whatever they can to help their sweet girl. She asked me to share my story about Jackson and I had tears streaming down my face as I relived the horrible day he went to Heaven.
We sure miss our sweet little guy. His 11th birthday is March 24th and I remember praying he'd make it to that day :(