Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our new year so far...

My weekend was spent coughing and sitting in the doctors office for 2 hours. I've had a stupid cough for a week now and it's getting old real quick. I was coughing all day long and it was exhausting. Thankfully with the help of a Zpak and Cherratussin the coughing is finally slowing down. I am the last in the family to get better and I only have a few days because we leave for Vegas Friday! Oh and everytime I cough it kills my back.

While I was at the doctors I decided to ask for more help with my back pain. Ya my back is STILL hurting from when I was pulling weeds last February and screwed it up somehow. My insurance won't cover physical therapy and I have tried stretches at home. It bothers me daily, I can't sit for more than 10 minutes without it hurting and it just interferes with my daily life. He wanted to recommend an MRI but I'd have to pay every penny since of course my insurance doesn't cover that either until my $5000 deductible is met. We discussed how horrible insurance has gotten and what a waste of money it is. He said it could me a nerve issue that would take injections to ease the pain but also said visiting a chiropractor may help. So off to the chiropractor I went today. This was my first time so I was a little nervous. He was doing all these tests and exam type things then BAM he hiked my leg up to my chest and with a snap-crackle-pop x 10 I was like "ouch!" So ya, craziness. But I felt better sitting there so I thought maybe it worked. Then as I am driving home here comes the pain. It always takes a few minutes of sitting for it to kick in. I'm a little bummed, I really prayed for a miracle. He wants to see me again Thursday and then I'm done unless of course I'm still in pain and then I can try something new or continue to go back to see if there is anything else he can try. I really hope it doesn't come down to an MRI and costly injections. I am too young to have to deal with back pain everyday. So disappointing.

Luckily my side kick is back. Sam came back out to Queen Creek last week and has been keeping me busy and helping me with the girls. We always have such a fun time.

Haylee went with Josh to his work party Saturday while Sam and I took Natalee to the swap meet and then San Tan Mall to ride the choo choo. That girls loves her some choo choo.

Life returned back to normal this week and Haylee went back to school. I've been busy getting things done before we go to Vegas. Tomorrow we are taking the girls to Disney on Ice and I am so excited. Thursday we're packing and Friday we're heading out. I am really getting excited except for the fact the highs are in the 40's and I'm gonna freeze my butt off.

On a totally unrelated note, Haylee no longer sleeps with her closet light on thanks to her new Dream Lite she got from Grandma for Christmas. This is a huge step!

And Natalee likes to take all sorts of random things to bed with her at night. A squeaky turtle, monkey mint tin, Thomas flashlight etc. She is such a crack up!

And that about sums up our new year so far! Oh and I offically took over Broken Arrow Traders January 1st so I am now running the jewelry business. Kaysi started the business 8 years ago and I am so excited to take things over and branch out beyond Ebay to see how things go. So far so good.