Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No longer a baby...

My sweet little Natalee is growing up way too fast. She will always be my baby, but she is no longer a baby :( She now dresses herself completely by herself and tonite she is sleeping in her big girl bed for the first time. I have held off on this because she is always into everything and I was afraid of what she'd get into to. But yesterday she was hopping in and out of her crib by herself so I knew it was time.

We switched Haylee to a big girl bed a lot sooner but only because I was pregnant with Natalee and knew I'd be needing the crib. Not only did Haylee get a completely different bed, she was moved into another room all together. Looking back that was too much at one time. I remember that being one of the most difficult times for me because Haylee wouldn't sleep unless I was in her new room with her. I think Natalee will do better because she is a little older. I guess we will see.
As I was tucking her in tonight I told her we didn't have anywhere to go tomorrow after we dropped Haylee off at school so we could come home and watch a movie together. She said "awwww" in a sad voice so I said "what, you sad that we aren't going to rock Fry's?" and she said yes. That's my girl! We've had a blast hitting the mega sale at Fry's this past week and stocking our pantry. I'm not gonna let a little bulging disc stop me!