Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lack of Blogging

I think I may start a blog called "What Natalee Did Today" because I would seriously have something to write about everyday! Lately I just haven't wanted to blog. Maybe it's because Natalee was only taking 30 minute naps or maybe it's because I am just worn out from chasing her around all day and trying to keep her out of trouble.

This little girl is seriously just crazy! It feels like I'm constantly saying "DOWN" and "NATALEE ANN" and also "NO, NO, NO!" If you were a fly on the wall here that is all you would hear.

Since last Thursday her schedule has been turned upside down. I still don't know if she had a bad dream or if it was her teeth or something else, but I think she is finally back to normal now. It was a rough 5 days though as she would wake up in the morning crying and screaming, take a 30-45 minute nap and wake up crying/screaming and then she would cry when I put her down at night. Thankfully she slept through the night but her short naps made for a long day with a cranky baby. Both yesterday and today she has taken great naps again, she's waking up happy and I think everything is back to the way it was. Except, she has now started waking up between 8:30-9:00 am and I am NOT complaining about that!

Her latest "adventures" have been anything but cute. We now need locks on the drawers and not just cabinets. While I was in the shower she got into my drawer and took the toothpaste out and started eating it. She opened the shower door to show me her blue mouth. Today she got a black crayon from Haylee's room and drew Haylee a pretty picture on her toy bench. She now climbs up on my bed, on the kitchen chairs that are pushed under the table, and the easel in the office. She has also started throwing more and more food on the ground followed by "uh oh....Bubba" because she knows Jackson will come eat it. Oh, and poor Jackson, she has started pulling/pinching his ear because he yelps and she thinks it's funny. Told you she was evil :)

You can now see why I am worn out by the time I put her to bed at 8pm. I tell her all the time, "you better be thankful you are so darn cute because you are such a trouble maker!"

I am thankful that just within the last few days she has been more laid back. Well when she's not getting into something or climbing. She will sit on the couch with me and watch a movie and she will sit in my lap at bedtime and let me read her books and cuddle with her. That is my absolute favorite, just being able to rock her and cuddle with her while she is quiet and still. I sure do love my sweet little Natalee, but after her I don't know if we'll have another!!!
(Yes, she's biting Jackson)


Beka said...

haha- sounds like a handful:) i love that first pic her---soo funny:)