Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Recap

I started off the weekend by making 7 freezer meals for after Natalee arrives. My sister and niece, Samantha, came over for a couple hours Friday morning and we were able to get everything made, nice little weight off my shoulders! We made hamburger pie, chicken enchiladas, spaghetti, cream cheese chicken, chicken stuffed shells, tater tot casserole, and lasagna. By Friday night I was having some pains which I think were contractions (having never felt a hard contraction before I'm not sure) and a lot of pressure. I was pretty sure I would be going to the hospital at some point as I was very uncomfortable. After a few hours it all seemed to go away, and I haven't had any problems since. I'm thinking it could be that I was standing for over 3 hours straight cooking but I don't know.

Most of our weekend was laid back. Saturday, my mom, Josh and I took the girls to the park in the morning to play for awhile and then came back to our house so they could play in the pool. It's not quite hot enough yet to keep the water warm so they were shivering within a few minutes. After some otter pops and playing around in our backyard we came in for lunch and naptime. I love the beautiful weather we have been blessed with this year. Before yesterday, the high had been in the 80's and now this week it's cooling off again to the 70's. Awesome weather for almost the end of April in AZ! Saturday night my mom watched Haylee for a couple hours so Josh and I could enjoy one last little night out before Natalee arrives. We went to Outback and then we ran a couple errands. Before heading home we stopped at Bahama Bucks for a shaved ice. I had to laugh when I was looking over the flavors because they had pickle juice! Must be for us pregnant ladies. To me that just sounded disgusting so I stuck with my usually, strawberry colada.

Sunday, my mom and I went to get pedicures then headed over to Serrano's for lunch. Nothing else too exciting, just trying to take it easy and finish up the last few things I have to do.

Today I've been in a weird mood. It's hard to explain, but I'm just down. I find myself saying, "this is the last time I'll do this before Natalee comes," and "this time next week I'll be....." I'm excited for Natalee to join our family, but it is gonna be a rough transition for all of us. I'm really gonna miss the bonding time Haylee and I have each day and the naps we have been taking together every afternoon. I'm sure these emotions are normal, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed with the changes that will be taking place in our family soon. Life is about to be crazy here in our home but I think I'm ready for it!