Currently Fry's is having a Mega event. This past week I got Free Sunny D, Free Lawry's marinade, Free Dial hand soap, Free Powerade, Free Old El Paso beans, .99 Mott's apple juice, .50 M&M 8 packs, .49 Sara Lee bread, .49 Pop Tarts, .49 Envirokids organic granola bars, .49 Del Monte tomatoes and .79 Old El Paso enchilada sauce.
Safeway brought .99 Capri Sun, .49 Fresh Express salad, .49 Marie's dressing and $1.57 milk.
Bashas was a disaster. I was going after the chicken which was $1.67 lb. and ended up getting a few other things which caused a major line back up and the lazy bagger boy wouldn't go check the price of the Nabisco snacks that were ringing up wrong. Nice. I don't like shopping at Bashas at all. Anyways, aside from the cheap chicken I got Free Dr. Pepper liters, .12 Nabisco cookies and crackers (because they wouldn't double the coupons to make them free), .50 Land O Lakes spreadable butter and .88 Langers juice.
This past week I stockpiled-
24 Powerade
13 Mott's
13 Sunny D
10 Lawry's Marinade
6 PopTarts
5 Sara Lee Bread (freezes great!)
5 Dial hand soap
Obviously I did not keep all of this stuff for me. My family benefits from me couponing too!
You can check the matchups on Sheryl's site to see where I found the coupons to score these great deals. I advise you to visit her site once a day so you don't miss out on awesome deals!
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