Friday, June 5, 2009

Daddy, I want a sister

Those were the exact words out of Haylee's little mouth last night. Yesterday I was telling her that I can't believe she's turning 2. I told her I remember when she was just a little baby. Well, I've had major baby fever lately so I went on the tell her how I think we need another little baby. She agreed and we talked about how she could help feed the baby and play with the baby and so on. Then I asked if she wanted a brother or a sister. Her response was, "brothersister." So I don't know if she was just repeating me or being funny but she never would say which one. Then last night the topic came up again when I was putting her pj's on. She said she wanted a baby and I told her to go tell her Dad. Well she went in the bedroom and instead said, "Daddy, I want a sister!" I was kinda shocked. It was so cute to hear her say that.

So, here (once again) starts our journey of getting pregnant. We took "a break" the last couple months due to going to Hawaii. A few of the activities we were doing said no pregos allowed. Now that our wondeful trip is behind us, we can now try again. While Haylee might be hoping for a sister, I'm hoping for a little boy so I can be done!