Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sleeping Situation

For the past few weeks I've been trying to figure out a sleeping arrangement for Hawaii. With the 2nd bag checking fees rising it will cost about $100 to check her pack-n-play all around. Haylee has never slept with us, in fact, she doesn't sleep well at all if we put her in bed with us (even if she's sick). She's always preferred her bed. Well today as we started packing and get things together, the solution to my problem became clear. You see, Haylee had a place to sleep all along...

That's right, in Josh's suitcase (with all the clothes out of course). She seems to love it!! She kept saying, "I sleep in there." So there you have it, problem solved.

And if packing is any indication of how much fun we'll have in Hawaii, I don't know if I will be able to contain myself!


Jody said...

That is too funny! Hey, maybe you could just buy a whole new pack n play in Hawaii for the price it's gonna cost to fly yours...