Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Operation Get Shelley Pregnant

I went to see Dr Huff today. He said he wants to watch the cyst but doesn't want to do surgery every time a cyst appears unless he has to. Instead, his plan is to get me pregnant and then the cyst will work itself out-usually bursting or just go away. He has prescribed me Femara to make sure I have no problems ovulating or "getting those eggs out". He said the cyst shouldn't make it difficult to get pregnant or interfere, but in case it is, this "magic pill" will overpower it. He specifically said this won't cause multiple births so not to worry about having twins or more. However, after doing some research online, I'm seeing it can happen which has me a little worried. I'll take his word though and hope we're pregnant soon. With my luck, I'm probably already pregnant and I just spent $50 for these 5 "magic pills". Afterall, I am 5 days late.......


Kaysi said...

I am so excited for baby Tyler!!!!!! Im sending my positive thoughts to your ovaries, only one egg baby LOL! Oh, and Haylee in her little bikini, ooh sexy baby ooh ooh sexy baby!

Jennie said...

We can totally pray for you and all, but I'm thinking "Operation Get Shelley Pregnant" is a Josh-centered project :) Have fun!

Beka said...

Ummm...i know a girl who is prego with her 2nd set of twins, and i'm pretty sure she used femara:) Dont worry though, twins are the best, a little more work, but so much fun:)!!! Good luck, hope it works for you!